
  • 1 job posting
  • No featured job
  • Job displayed for 15 days
  • Standard Support


SKU: JP000 Category:


Get started quickly and efficiently with our free trial package. This plan allows you to post one job for a duration of 10 days. This is a perfect option for companies with a single, urgent vacancy they need to fill or for those new to our platform who want to experience the benefits of our job board firsthand.

Here’s what you get with the Free Trial:

Post one job: Focus on a single critical role and attract qualified candidates.
10-day visibility: Maximize your chances of receiving applications during a crucial hiring window.
Basic support: Our support team is available to answer any basic questions you have about posting your job and using our platform.
The free trial is a great way to:

Test the waters: See if our job board is the right fit for your recruitment needs.
Reach a wide audience: Gain access to our extensive pool of active job seekers.
Simplify the process: Post your job quickly and easily with our user-friendly interface.

Upgrade to a paid plan anytime! As your recruitment needs grow, you can seamlessly upgrade to our Standard or Enterprise plan to unlock a wider range of features and benefits.

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